Preschool at Home Series: {part 2} Free Resources

If you are just tuning in, start here to give you a little background on why we home{pre}school.

I'm structured. It's who I am and I knew that if I jumped into this preschool at home thing, I would need something to keep me sane. At the same time, I love flexibility and supplementing curriculum. So, let the curriculum ideas begin!
*All of our resources are free or of little cost...just how I like it!*

The Backbone

I have researched and researched and researched and I am so glad that I found Rusty and Rosy Learn with Me

We use this excellent, computer based program as the core of our learning and haven't been the least bit disappointed. 

In a nutshell, and according to their website: "One of the unique and powerful features of Rusty and Rosy Learn with Me™ is that it is designed to create a customized learning path for your child. This means it tailors the lessons and activities based on your child’s individual instructional needs." Perfect!

Rusty and Rosy focuses on reading. My Buddy does 35 minutes every morning. This time covers a full reading, math and science lesson. If Rusty and Rosy is all we do all day, I feel a-okay.

We are in the UPSTART program. It's a free program available in Utah for students the year before they enter Kindergarten. The program is all done at our home and includes a super short pre and post test and completing Rusty and Rosy for a minimum 15 minutes per day 5 days per week. Easy peasy and the best program we have ever been involved in.

UPSTART is first come, first served so we already have 17 month old Buster on the waiting list! It's just that good.

For our religious studies and education, they just flow easily into our education. Buddy asks questions constantly in the form of "why did Heavenly Father make that like that?" We talk creation, love, respect, manners, scripture and everything else important to us every day. 
I do try to have a scripture to memorize every week. It's been amazing how much Buddy can remember. We have scripture study as a family and a weekly Family Home Evening with a formal lesson. 

The Supplements

We use Confessions of a Homeschooler's Letter of the Week curriculum for our preschool co-op. I like it for Ryker's age although the kiddos in our co-op are a little advanced for some of the activities. I use it as my springboard and supplement using my themed Pinterest preschool boards. Letter of the Week is very reasonably priced and has tons and tons of information! Post coming soon with all the co-op details and some freebies to organize one of your own. 

Pinterest oh pinterest. I seriously don't think I could live without it now. I like all the inspiration for other parts of my life but the vast stores of ideas and the easy organization for Buddy's preschool ideas is what really makes it the apple of my eye :) I'm all about organization on Pinterest. Gotta be able to find it to use it! When I find a neat idea, into my preschool boards it goes! I scour my boards frequently based on interests and/or our theme of the week and roll with it.

Lapbooks have become my new favorite way to learn. I must admit, for some reason, I shyed away from them at first. Perhaps I just didn't get it? Now I see the advantage of having a tangible record of what we've learned. Lapbooks also have a way of covering a subject in many different areas. Want to learn about dinosaurs while including scripture? There's a lapbook for that! I get many of our lapbooks from HomeschoolShare

Random workbooks seem to breed in our house. I have drawers full of them! I pull one out to encourage a certain subject. Buddy loves to color and write, so it's a win-win! My favorite place to buy them is the dollar store (Dollar Tree in our area). 

So, there you have it. I hope you can use these ideas in your home preschool or for supplementing the awesome education your children are receiving. 

I am in no way paid by Rusty and Rosy Learn with Me™. I just reeaallly like their program and what it has done for our family! Also, no compensation from any other resources listed, they're just my fav.

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